Welcome Cubs Fans!

This blog will discuss the 1980s and the baseball card collecting hobby, with a focus on the Chicago Cubs. Contrary to vintage baseball cards, the majority of modern cards are affordable. The various sets will be considerably simpler to obtain. So, with thousands of cards in between, we'll start with 80 Topps and end with 89 Upper Deck. The apex of this period was represented by the Sandberg Rookie of the Year in 1983.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1989 Fleer League Leaders Cubs Checklist

Number of Cards

44 cards in the 1989 Fleer League Leaders collection included 2 Cubs players.

Size of Cards

The size of the cards are standard-size 2 ½ x 3 ½

Basic Features

There are 44 standard-sized cards in the Fleer League Leaders collection. The horizontally oriented backs are light blue and red and have career stats on them. The fronts are red and yellow. As a boxed set, the cards were sold through Woolworth stores.

Chicago Cubs 1989 Fleer League Leaders Checklist

Number Player
12 Andre Dawson
17 Mark Grace

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1989 Fleer League Leaders Woolworth Box:

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